Mook and Pop's Culinary Delights
mook and pop Mook baked it, Pop ate it !!!

Did something go wrong?
Did you change your mind?

My Dear Friends:

We noticed you started to order Mook and Pop's Holiday Brickle, but for some reason the order was not completed.

If you DO want to place an order, but had a technical or other problem, please call us at 858-342-2454. We'll be glad to manually process your order.

If you changed your mind for some reason, we'd love to know why. We'll be glad to send you one of Mook and Pop's fabulous recipes as a thank you for your time. So, please email us and let us know why. We are constantly on the outlook for ways to improve Mook and Pop's customer service.

Happy Holidays,
Mook and Pop


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